Provided that the Customer-individual fulfills the requirements specified in clauses 6.2.- 6.8 of the Agreement. 6.2.- 6.8 of the Agreement, the Contractor undertakes to assist him/her in employment within 6
(six) calendar months after successful completion of training under the Program. Employment means receiving an offer (an offer to start an employment relationship) from an employer based or having a branch in the
city of the Customer's residence, or receiving an offer for a remote job at other locations of the employer, in the specialty of the purchased Service or a related specialty. If the Customer, under all
conditions, does not get employed within 6 (six) calendar months after successful completion of training under the Program and there are no circumstances specified in clause 6.9 and clause 6.10 of the Agreement,
the Contractor shall refund to the User the paid cost of the Contractor's Services.
See the whole offer